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What Was I Saying?: Living with ADHD

with Rose & Alexandra

Just your not so-average girls podcasting their ADHD stories, mourning their ADHD embarrassments, and celebrating their ADHD triumphs.
Building an ADHD community, one episode at a time. 

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About Us

Who the heck are we?

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I was diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety when I was a senior in high school. Discovering that there was a reason that I struggled with things that were supposed to be easy was such a relief but also meant I had a lot of learning to do. Outside of my ADHD, I am an actor, writer, general theatre artist, and dog lover. I enjoy being outdoors, spending time with my family and friends, and being a nerdy goofball.


We love to get feedback and thoughts from fellow ADHDers and friends of ADHD!
Get in touch with us by leaving a review on one of our various listening platforms, following us on our social medias, or sending us a message through this website.

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Contact Us

We're so happy to have you as a part of our community.  Share your thoughts, ideas, and ADHD stories here.

Thanks for sharing and being a part of our community!

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I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was about 9 or 10 and it has brought both challenges and gifts to my life. Although it as changed my life, I am constantly learning about myself through my ADHD. I am a freelance writer and aspiring journalist with a BA in English. I love my family, my dogs and geeking out over anime and video games with my friends.

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